How to digitize

It is possible to digitize and add new series of points:


How to digitize background picture

Only points inside selected areas will be digitized.  Follow these steps:

  1. Select menu item <Plot><Picture> or click the button picture and select background picture. It supports bmp, gif, jpg, wmf and emf formats.
  2. The picture on plot will appear.
  3. Create some areas 'Clip' or 'Rectangle' around picture.
  4. To select these areas, use the button Select Area.
  5. Choose current color.  Only points with this color will be digitized.
  6. Choose current points radius. It will be the size of pixel groups to digitize.
  7. Click the button Add Points from Picture  or select menu item <Data><Add from Picture>.
  8. The Wizard of Digitization will start.
  9. Follow steps 1-2-3-4-5-6.
  10. On steps 1 and 2 select mapping region, and set the scales. 
  11. On steps 3 and 4 screen graphs are handled automatically. 
  12. On step 5 you can manually add single data points and remove mistakes. 
  13. It creates new series of points with current color and marker.
  14. Series, named as picture file, will appear in list.

 Trick: To select areas accurately and to exclude possible mistakes use 'Brushed Area' tool. 


How to digitize screen points

You have not to capture screenshots before digitizing. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the button Add Points from Screen  or select menu item <Data><Add from Screen...>.
  2. The framework appears.
  3. To select the rectangle of digitizing, move the framework on screen. For precise positioning of the framework, use the arrows keys. To resize the framework, hold  'Shift' key and use the arrows keys.
  4. To select the color of digitizing, Hold the key 'C' and move the mouse inside framework. The selected color will appear on framework caption.
  5. To digitize, press the button <o> on frame.
  6. The Wizard of Digitization will start.
  7. Follow steps 2-3-4-5-6.
  8. On step 2 set the scales. 
  9. On steps 3 and 4 screen graphs are handled automatically. 
  10. On step 5 you can manually add single data points. 
  11. It creates new series of points with current color and marker.
  12. Series, named 'Screen', will appear in list.
  13. Close the Wizard.
  14. Remove mistakes with editor.


Read about Wizard of Digitization.
